Opening Up Shop? Are You Sure You’re Prepared?

Are you gingerly opening the door to your high street store for the first time? This may have been a long time in coming, and you had to work very hard to achieve your goal. But you're somewhat apprehensive, even so. You may wonder if you are prepared and have fully understood the risks, but also want to take steps to protect yourself so that you don't fail before you get going. Read More 

3 Options You Should Look for in Civil Contracting Insurance

There are various reasons you may be looking at civil contracting insurance. Some of the reasons may relate to trying to lower your insurance costs while others may simply be due to an insurance company shutting down or changing their policies. Regardless of the reasons you have for looking into a new civil contracting insurance, there are a few things you should look for. Here are three of them. Delay in Start Up Read More 

Types of Business Insurance You Can Consider

If you are starting a new business, you may feel overwhelmed by the myriad options that you can choose from when it comes to selecting business insurance policies. The good news is that you may not necessarily require all the different insurance covers that are provided; however, it is best to know what the different policies offer coverage for so as to make an informed decision on what would be best suited for your business. Read More 

Types of Insurance to Protect Your Business

There are extensive risks associated with operating a business therefore you should take precautionary protective measures by purchasing insurance policy. Without the right safeguards, an accident or natural disaster will destroy your business through huge financial liabilities. There are different hazards in varying types of businesses so it is important to get a tailored insurance cover. Here are the main types of business insurance that should be in place for every business. Read More